AACCI To Establish Chinese Free Trade Zone in Oyo State

Vice Chairman – African Region, AACCI
Official visit to the Consular’s office of the People Republic of China, Lagos Nigeria on Thursday August 8th, 2019.

His Excellency – The Consular of People’s Republic of China, Nigeria
Member of Staff of the Consulate Office, Lagos Nigeria
Governing Council Member,
Advisory Board Members,
Ladies and Gentlemen, 
Member of the Press. 

On behalf of AACCI Secretariat Hub, Republic of India; it is my pleasure to welcome you all to this August Occasion as we honour your official invitation to introduce Asian African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (www.asianafrican.org) to Consular of The People’s Republic of China, Lagos Nigeria. Africa and Asia have survived a lot together; from our pre-colonial and post-colonial experience the continents have weathered many storms and today, we gathered here, to lay another foundation for a more prosperous future.

Development of bilateral relations between Nigeria and The People’s Republic of China established formal diplomatic relations on February 10th, 1971. China has supported Nigeria bid for a seat in the United Nation Security Council.

It is envisaged that long term trade bilateral between China and Nigeria will enhance Nigeria economic growth and infrastructural development. It should then be the policy.

Harnessing the economic potentials of SMEs in Nigeria is intandem with AACCI Economic Agenda. From this stand point the Directorate of SMEs under the leadership of Advisory Board Member/Coordinator of SMEs – MR ANRINLE ADEKUNLE AHMED of our chambers wishes to collaborate with China Small and Medium Enterprises (CASMEs) of the People’s Republic of China, Co-operate on Trade Fair and Exhibitions, Coordinate business activities between AACCI SMEs department and CASMEs for rapid economic growth of the two countries.

Permit me to state that AACCI is willing to establish CHINESE FREE TRADE ZONE in Oyo State axis of Nigeria as we progresses in our collaboration. This and other relevant points were discussed with Xuancheng Municipal Government, Antius Province Economic Development Zone during our last visit to China in July 2019 by AACCI delegate. That said, our chamber is determined to attend the 126th Edition of Canton Fair which comes up October 2019 at the China Import and Export Fair Complex Guangzhou, China. 

We thank God Almighty that after the singing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI), Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Industry etc during the Inauguration of Governing Council, Advisory Board Members and PATRON of AACCI. The Imperial Majesty, Oba Alayeluwa, Dr. Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, Arole Oodua,  Ooni of Ife, who is also a world class Entrepreneur on April 27th, 2019.

Professor GD Singh (www.gdsingh.com)  - Founder / Chairman of Asian African Chamber of Commerce and Industry has travelled to Peoples Republic of China, United State of America, United Kingdom, Asian and African continents to ensure the need to build a virile economy that would be privately driven by Entrepreneurs. 

Asian African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AACCI) (www.asianafrica.org) is founded and affiliated with CIHF (Confederation of International Healthcare Foundation) established and registered under B.P.T. Act XXIX of 1950, Government of India, since 2005. 
Asian African Chamber of Commerce and Industry was duly registered on August 14th, 2018 in pursuant to section 501(c) (3) as a non-stock and profit making corporation with Government of State of Delaware, United State of America.  Government of India also registered Asian African Chamber of Commerce and Industry on November 2nd, 2018 in pursuant to sub-section (2) of section 7 of the Companies Act, 2013. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka incorporated Asian African Chamber of Commerce and Industry on August 18th, 2018 as a Company Limited by Guarantee. Corporate Affairs Commission, Abuja is currently processing the incorporation of Asian African Chamber of Commerce and Industry under Article C of Limited by Guarantee in accordance with the provisions of Company Allied Matters Act 1990, as amended by Cap 20 of Law of Federation 2004. 

AACCI has branches in Nigeria and some other African Countries. 

AACCI is a platform where the Entrepreneurs and the Investors meet to grow the two economies for even development, because Trade between African and Asian countries has increased rapidly in recent years, reflecting a synergy between two of the world’s fastest growing economy. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and trade between Asia-Pacific and Africa jumped from just $2.8 billion in 1990 to around $300billion today and are expected to surpass $1.5 trillion by 2020.

Aims and Objectives of AACCI:

To act as a Trade, e-Commerce, Training and Business Promoting Chamber supporting SMEs and Industries by means of representing them as bilateral chamber for the Asian and African regions and help them to build better economic growth and sustainable business;

To facilitate the creation of strategic alliances between Small and Medium Enterprises in Asian and African regions;

To facilitate advocacy, dialogue and exchange of information between Members and the Member countries’ government officials and agencies in order to improve the business climate in the region, and to promote Asian business interest in African and vice-versa;

To promote, facilitate and increase two-way investment, business and trade flows between Asian and African member nations;

To raise the profile of African nations in the Asian business community and vice-versa;

To provide Training and Services to members and non-members relating to e-commerce, technology transfer, economic, financial, technical, legal, market and other business issues in the Member States and – when appropriate – Globally;

AACCI represents the engagement of more than 100 Countries, Corporates, Associations, and Individual Professionals from all over the Asian – African region, encompassing all sectors of multi-lateral trade, Industry and Commerce;

AACCI comprises of Industry experts and affiliated regional Chambers, who regularly take up global developments of utmost consideration to the interest of its members;

AACCI interacts with Government bodies of its member countries and contemplate advocacy on important regulations in the shaping of MSME, Trade, Fiscal and Social policies;

AACCI also provides a platform to its members to project their policies and programmes to the concerned authorities;

AACCI organizes important workshops / seminars / conferences and coordinate interactive sessions with the policy makers;

AACCI regularly mounts delegations to many important countries;

AACCI has the honour of hosting International Business Delegations, World Leaders, Peace Ambassadors, Industrialists, Bureaucrats, Government Officials, Economist, Scientists, Bankers, Social activists;

AACCI provides networking opportunities for its constituents and also makes special efforts to emphasize its member’s view-points in policy formulations;

AACCI strives to add a lot of value to its members, so as to translate this vision into reality and founding members;

AACCI is set to create transnational corporations, which would have presence in all associated member countries and whose capital would be built by national of all 102 prospective member countries;

AACCI is a technical partner to University of Entrepreneurship & Technology (www.uet.education) to be established in Federal Republic of Nigeria, Republic of Ghana and Republic of Sierra Leone to promote Education Policy in Africa nations.

There is absolutely no doubt that the proposed networking and collaboration between Nigeria and the People’s Republic of China will stimulate growth and even development of the two Continents tremendously.

Dr. High Prince Leye Babalola, fcca, fcti.
Vice Chairman – African Region of AACCI.
Website: www.asianafrican.org
Email: asianafricanchamberofcommerce@gmail.com


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